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(This article is a part of Section on Nonlinear phenomena in quantum
optics by J. Bajer et al., ibid., pp. 491-601. )
- J. Bajer and A. Miranowicz: Quantum,
classical and semiclassical analyses of photon statistics in harmonic
generation, in: Modern Nonlinear Optics, ed. M. W. Evans,
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This article is a part of Section on Nonlinear phenomena in quantum
optics by J. Bajer et al., ibid., pp. 491-601.
- A. Miranowicz, J. Bajer, M. R. B.
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Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 6 (2004)
387–395. PDF
- Jiří Bajer: Mechanika 1,
vydání 1., VUP Olomouc 2004, počet stran 322, ISBN: 80-244-0819-8
- Jiří Bajer: Mechanika 2, vydání 1., VUP Olomouc
2004, počet stran 458, ISBN: 80-244-0884-8
- Jiří Bajer: Mechanika 3, vydání 1., VUP Olomouc
2006, počet stran 470, ISBN: 80-244-1293-4
- A. Miranowicz, S. K.
Ozdemir, J. Bajer, M. Koashi, N. Imoto: Selective truncations of an
optical state using projection synthesis, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24
(2007) 379-383. PDF
- Jiří Bajer: Mechanika 1, vydání 2.,
Olomouc 2007, počet stran 345, ISBN: 978-80-903958-0-0
- Jiří Bajer: Mechanika 2,
vydání 2., Olomouc 2008, počet stran 487, ISBN: 978-80-903958-1-7
- Yu-xi Liu, A. Miranowicz, Y. B. Gao, J. Bajer, C. P.
Sun, and F. Nori: Qubit-induced phonon blockade as a signature of
quantum behavior in nanomechanical resonators, Phys. Rev. A 82
(2010) 032101 [9 pages]. PDF
- F. Pluháček, E. Hladíková, J.
Bajer, U. Tavandzi: Změny aberací vyšších řádů oka po prémiové
fotorefrakční keratektomii, Jemná mechanika a optika 56 (2012)
47-50 (in Czech).
- F. Pluháček, L. Musilová,
J. Bajer: Influence of material and frequency of replacement of
selected contact lenses on the tear film stability, In: Programme and Abstracts
Booklet, European Academy 2012 Dublin (annual conference), 20-22 April,
Dublin, Ireland, (č. 29)
- E. Hladíková, L. Glogarová,
F. Pluháček, J. Bajer: Changing of Intraocular Pressure Caused by
One-shot Physical Activity,
In: Programme and Abstracts Booklet, str.92 European Academy 2012
Dublin (annual conference), 20-22 April, Dublin, Ireland. Poster PDF,
Abstrakt DOCX
- Jiří Bajer: Mechanika 3,
vydání 2., Olomouc 2012, počet stran 542, ISBN: 978-80-903958-5-5
- E. Hladíková, F. Pluháček,
J. Bajer: Vliv pohybové aktivity na výši nitroočního tlaku, Jemná
mechanika a optika 58 (2013) 43-45 (in Czech).
- A. Miranowicz, M.
Paprzycka, Yu-xi Liu, J. Bajer and F. Nori: Two-photon and
three-photon blockades in driven nonlinear systems, Phys. Rev. A 87
(2013) 023809
[10 pages] PDF
- A. Miranowicz, J. Bajer, M.
Paprzycka, Yu-xi Liu, A. M. Zagoskin and F. Nori: State-dependent
photon blockade via quantum-reservoir engineering, Phys. Rev. A 90
(2014) 033831 [16
pages] PDF
- Jiří Bajer: Mechanika 1,
vydání 3., Olomouc 2015, počet stran 353, ISBN:
- Jiří Bajer: Optika 1,
vydání 1., VUP Olomouc 2015, počet stran 280, ISBN: 978-80-244-4532-8
- Adam Miranowicz, Sahin K. Özdemir, Jiří Bajer, Go Yusa, Nobuyuki Imoto,Yoshiro
Hirayama and Franco Nori, Quantum
state tomography of large nuclear spins in a semiconductor quantum well: Optimal
robustness against errors as quantied by condition numbers, Phys. Rev. B 92
(2015) 075312 [19
pages] PDF
- Jiří Bajer: Historie
zkoumání duhy, Čs. čas. fyz. 65 (2015) 283-286. PDF
- A. Miranowicz, J. Bajer, N.
Lambert, Y.X. Liu, F. Nori: Tunable multiphonon blockade in coupled
nanomechanical resonators, Phys. Rev. A 93 (2016) 013808
[14 pages]
- František
Pluháček, Lenka Musilová, Jiří Bajer: Influence of material and frequency
of replacement of selected contact lenses on the tear film stability ,
European Academy 2012 Dublin (annual conference), 20-22 April, Dublin,
- Eliška
Hladíková, Lucie Glogarová, František Pluháček, Jiří Bajer: Changing of
Intraocular Pressure Caused by One-shot Physical Activity, European
Academy 2012 Dublin (annual conference), 20-22 April, Dublin, Ireland
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