1. J. Bajer, J. Peřina: Photon statistics of degenerate four-wave mixing with classical and quantum pumping, Czech. J. Phys. B 35 (1985) 1146-1162.
  2. J. Bajer, J. Peřina: Photon statistics of four-wave mixing with signal-plus-noise states of radiation, Acta Phys. Pol. A 72 (1987) 453-462.
  3. J. Peřina, J. Bajer, J. Křepelka, Z.Hradil: Squeezing and sub-Poissonian statistics in three-mode interactions, J. Mod. Opt. 34 (1987) 965-977. PDF
  4. J. Peřina, J. Křepelka, R. Horák, Z. Hradil, J. Bajer: Photon statistics of nonclassical radiation in second harmonic generation, Czech. J. Phys. B 37 (1987) 1161-1173.
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  6. J. Bajer: New method for improving squeezed light generation involving pump fluctuations, Opt. Comm. 74 (1989) 233-237.
  7. J. Bajer: Nonclassical states generated via four-wave mixing, Czech. J. Phys. B 40 (1990) 646-663.
  8. J. Peřina, J. Bajer: Origin of oscillations in photon distributions of squeezed states, Phys. Rev. A 41 (1990) 516-518. PDF
  9. J. Bajer, J. Křepelka: Propagation of polychromatic radiation in stratified media, Jemná mechanika a optika 36 (1991) 57-60 (in Czech).
  10. J. Bajer, P. Lisoněk: Symbolic computation approach to nonlinear dynamics, J. Mod. Opt. 38 (1991) 719-729. PDF
  11. J. Bajer, J. Peřina: Entropy and nonclassical light, Acta Univ. Palackinae 101 (1991) 81-89. PDF
  12. J. Bajer, J. Peřina: Quantum statistical properties of optical phase conjugation, Opt. Comm. 85 (1991) 261-266.
  13. J. Bajer: Photon statistics of Nth subharmonics, J. Mod. Opt. 38 (1991) 1085-1091. PDF
  14. J. Bajer, J. Peřina: Symbolic computation of photon statistics for higher harmonics generation, Opt. Comm. 92 (1992) 99-104.
  15. J. Bajer: Nonclassical light, JMO 37 (1992) 169-177.
  16. P. Szlachetka, K. Grygiel, J.Peřina and J.Bajer: Chaos and order in second-harmonic generation: Cumulant approach, Phys. Rev. A 46 (1992) 7311-7314. PDF
  17. P. Szlachetka, K. Grygiel, and J. Bajer: Chaos and order in a kicked anharmonic oscillator: Classical and quantum analysis, Phys. Rev. E 48 (1993) 101-108. PDF
  18. J. Peřina, J. Bajer, V. Peřinová, and Z. Hradil: Photon statistics of non-classical fields, in Modern Nonlinear Optics Volume 85, part 1, Eds. M. Evans and S. Kielich, J. Willey 1993, p. 405-459.
  19. Z. Hradil, J. Bajer: Comment on "Further investigations of the operationally defined quantum phase", Phys. Rev. A 48 (1993) 1717-1718. PDF
  20. F. Garzia, C. Sibilia, M. Bertolotti, R. Horák, J. Bajer: Phase properties of two-soliton system in a nonlinear planar waveguide, Opt. Commun. 108 (1994) 47-54.
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  22. J. Bajer, T. Opatrný, J. Peřina: Photon statistics of higher harmonics and subharmonics generation, Quantum Opt. 6 (1994) 403-410. PDF
  23. V. Malíšek, J. Bajer: Vývoj optiky v českých zemích, Acta Univ. Palackiana 120 (1995) 269-289. HTML
  24. J. Peřina, J. Bajer: Quantum Statistical Properties of Mixed Degenerate and Nondegenerate Parametric Processes, J. Mod. Opt. 42 (1995) 2071-2080. PDF
  25. J. Peřina, J. Bajer: Non-classical light in nonlinear symmetric and asymmetric couplers, J. Mod. Opt. 42 (1995) 2337-2346. PDF
  26. T. Opatrný, V. Bužek, J. Bajer and G. Drobný: Propensities in discrete phase-spaces: Q-function of a state in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space, Phys. Rev. A 52 (1995) 2419-2428. PDF
  27. R. Horák, J. Bajer, M. Bertolotti and C. Sibilia: Diffraction free field in a planar nonlinear waveguide, Phys. Rev. E (1995) 4421-4429. PDF
  28. T. Opatrný, A. Miranowicz, J. Bajer: Coherent states in finite-dimensional Hilbert space and their Wigner representation, J. Mod. Opt. 43 (1996) 417-432. PDF
  29. Z. Hradil, R. Myška, J. Bajer: Entropy of phase measurement: Quantum phase via quadrature measurement, Phys.Rev. A 53 (1996) 3738-3742. PDF
  30. Z. Bouchal, R. Horák, J. Wagner, J. Peřina, J. Bajer: "Propagation-invariant electromagnetic fields", in 17th congress of the International Commission for Optics: Optics for science and new technology, Eds. Joon-Sung Chang, Jai-Hyung Lee, Soo-Young Lee, Chang Hee Nam, Proc. SPIE 2778 (1996) 345-346.
  31. A. Miranowicz, T. Opatrný, J. Bajer: Harmonic oscillator states in finite dimensional Hilbert space, in "Quantum optics and the spectroscopy of solids", Eds. T. Hakioglu, A. S. Shumovsky, Kluwer (1997) 225-236.
  32. J. Bajer, R. Horák, On nondiffractive field, Phys. Rev. E 54 (1996) 3052. PDF
  33. R. Horák, Z. Bouchal, J. Bajer: Nondiffracting stationary electromagnetic field, Opt. Commun. 133 (1997) 315-327.
  34. O. Haderka, J. Bajer, J. Peřina: Global characteristics of degenerate parametric nonlinear processes, Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 8 (1996) 1159-1167. PDF
  35. J. Bajer, O. Haderka, Deformace tvaru ultrakrátkého pulsu při volném šíření, JMO 10 (1996) 295-298.
  36. J. Bajer, Kalendář a Velikonoce (in Czech), Universum 23 (1997) 12-24. HTML
  37. J. Bajer, Z. Hradil: The gravitational deflection of light: An elementary derivation, Acta Univ. Pal. Olomu., Physica 36 (1997) 23-26.
  38. J. Bajer, Z. Hradil: Historie a současnost kvantové optiky, JMO 11-12 (1996) 355-357.
  39. A. Miranowicz, J. Bajer, A. Ekert, W. Leonski: Photon antibunching versus phantom antibunching? Acta physica slovaca 47 (1997) 319-322.
  40. A. Miranowicz, J. Bajer, W. Leonski, R. Tanas: Various approaches to photon antibunching in second-harmonic generation, Proc. 5th Internat. Confer. on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations, NASA, Maryland 1998, s. 427-433.
  41. Z. Bouchal, J. Bajer, M. Bertolotti: Vectorial spectral analysis of the nonstationary electromagnetic field, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 15 (1998) 2172-2181.
  42. A. Miranowicz, H. Matsueda, M. R. B. Wahidin, J. Bajer: Quasidistributions for frequency converter model, Acta physica slovaca 48 (1998) 293-300.
  43. A. Miranowicz, H. Matsueda, J. Bajer, M. R. B. Wahidin, R. Tanas: Comparative study of photon bunching of classical fields, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 1 (1999) 603-609. PDF
  44. A. Miranowicz, J. Bajer, H. Matsueda, M. Wahiddin, R. Tanas: Comparative study of photon antibunching of non-stationary fields, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 1 (1999) 511-516. PDF
  45. J. Bajer: kap. 7.2 Kvantová optika 369-372 in E. Mechlová, K. Košťál a kol.: Výkladový slovník fyziky pro základní vysokoškolský kurz, Prometheus s.r.o. Praha 1999, ISBN 80-7196-151-5 (in Czech).
  46. J. Bajer, O. Haderka, J. Peřina: Sub-Poissonian behaviour in the second harmonic generation, J. Opt. B: Quantum and Semiclass. Opt. 1 (1999) 529-533. PDF
  47. J. Bajer, O. Haderka, J. Peřina, A. Miranowicz: Sub-Poissonian light in third-harmonic generation: Quantum predictions via classical trajectories, Czech J. Phys. 50 (2000) 717-726.
  48. J. Bajer, A. Miranowicz: Sub-Poissonian photon statistics of higher harmonics: Quantum predictions via classical trajectories,  J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 2 (2000) L10-L14. HTML, PDF
  49. J. Bajer, M. Dušek, J. Fiurášek, Z. Hradil, A. Lukš, V. Peřinová, J. Řeháček, J. Peřina, O. Haderka, M. Hendrych, J. Peřina, Jr., N. Imoto, M. Koashi, A. Miranowicz: Nonlinear phenomena in quantum optics,  in "Modern Nonlinear Optics, Part I, Advances in Chemical Physics",  Volume 119, ed. M. Evans, J. Wiley, New York, 2001, 491-601.
  50. A. Miranowicz, J. Bajer, M. Koashi, and N. Imoto: Photon bunching and antibunching effects in non-stationary fields, in: Modern Nonlinear Optics, ed. M. W. Evans, Adv. Chem. Phys. 119 (I) (Wiley , New York, 2001) pp. 515-527. [PDF]  (This article is a part of Section on Nonlinear phenomena in quantum optics by J. Bajer et al., ibid., pp. 491-601. )
  51. J. Bajer and A. Miranowicz: Quantum, classical and semiclassical analyses of photon statistics in harmonic generation, in: Modern Nonlinear Optics, ed. M. W. Evans, Adv. Chem. Phys. 119 (I) (Wiley , New York, 2001) pp. 493-515; e-print quant-ph/0109075 . [PDF]  This article is a part of Section on Nonlinear phenomena in quantum optics by J. Bajer et al., ibid., pp. 491-601.
  52. A. Miranowicz, J. Bajer, M. R. B. Wahiddin, N. Imoto: Wehrl  information entropy and phase distributions of Schrödinger cat and cat-like states,  J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34 (2001) 3887-3896. PDF
  53. J. Bajer, A. Miranowicz: Quantum vs classical description of  sub-Poissonian light generation in three-wave-mixing,  J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 3 (2001) 251-259. PDF
  54. A. Miranowicz, S . K. Özdemir, J. Bajer, M. Koashi, N. Imoto, H. Matsueda, and Y. Hirayama: Quantum relative information of conduction-band spins of quantum dots in microcavity, submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. and General 2002, PS
  55. J. Bajer, A. Miranowicz, R. Tanas: Limits of noise squeezing in Kerr effect, Czech. J. Phys. 52 (2002) 1313-1320. PDF
  56. A. Miranowicz, S. K. Özdemir, Yu-xi Liu, W. Leoński, M. Koashi, N. Imoto, Y. Hirayama, J. Bajer: Maximally entangled spin states in equivalent-neighbor systems of quantum dots in a microcavity, Proceedings of SPIE 2003 volume: 5259, 13th Polish-Czech-Slovak Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, ed: J. Nowak, pp. 42-46. PDF
  57. J. Bajer, A. Miranowicz, M. Andrzejewski: Quantum noise and mixedness of a pumped dissipative non-linear oscillator, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 6 (2004) 387–395. PDF
  58. Jiří Bajer: Mechanika 1, vydání 1., VUP Olomouc 2004, počet stran 322, ISBN: 80-244-0819-8
  59. Jiří Bajer: Mechanika 2, vydání 1., VUP Olomouc 2004, počet stran 458, ISBN: 80-244-0884-8
  60. Jiří Bajer: Mechanika 3, vydání 1., VUP Olomouc 2006, počet stran 470, ISBN: 80-244-1293-4
  61. A. Miranowicz, S. K. Ozdemir, J. Bajer, M. Koashi, N. Imoto: Selective truncations of an optical state using projection synthesis, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24 (2007) 379-383. PDF
  62. Jiří Bajer: Mechanika 1, vydání 2., Olomouc 2007, počet stran 345, ISBN: 978-80-903958-0-0
  63. Jiří Bajer: Mechanika 2, vydání 2., Olomouc 2008, počet stran 487, ISBN: 978-80-903958-1-7
  64. Yu-xi Liu, A. Miranowicz, Y. B. Gao, J. Bajer, C. P. Sun, and F. Nori: Qubit-induced phonon blockade as a signature of quantum behavior in nanomechanical resonators, Phys. Rev. A 82 (2010) 032101 [9 pages]. PDF
  65. F. Pluháček, E. Hladíková, J. Bajer, U. Tavandzi: Změny aberací vyšších řádů oka po prémiové fotorefrakční keratektomii, Jemná mechanika a optika 56 (2012) 47-50 (in Czech).
  66. F. Pluháček, L. Musilová, J. Bajer: Influence of material and frequency of replacement of selected contact lenses on the tear film stability, In: Programme and Abstracts Booklet, European Academy 2012 Dublin (annual conference), 20-22 April, Dublin, Ireland, (č. 29)
  67. E. Hladíková, L. Glogarová, F. Pluháček, J. Bajer: Changing of Intraocular Pressure Caused by One-shot Physical Activity,  In: Programme and Abstracts Booklet, str.92 European Academy 2012 Dublin (annual conference), 20-22 April, Dublin, Ireland. Poster PDF, Abstrakt DOCX
  68. Jiří Bajer: Mechanika 3, vydání 2., Olomouc 2012, počet stran 542, ISBN: 978-80-903958-5-5
  69. E. Hladíková, F. Pluháček, J. Bajer: Vliv pohybové aktivity na výši nitroočního tlaku, Jemná mechanika a optika 58 (2013) 43-45 (in Czech).
  70. A. Miranowicz, M. Paprzycka, Yu-xi Liu, J. Bajer and F. Nori: Two-photon and three-photon blockades in driven nonlinear systems, Phys. Rev. A 87 (2013) 023809 [10 pages] PDF
  71. A. Miranowicz, J. Bajer, M. Paprzycka, Yu-xi Liu, A. M. Zagoskin and F. Nori: State-dependent photon blockade via quantum-reservoir engineering, Phys. Rev. A 90 (2014) 033831 [16 pages] PDF
  72. Jiří Bajer: Mechanika 1, vydání 3., Olomouc 2015, počet stran 353, ISBN: 978-80-903958-8-6
  73. Jiří Bajer: Optika 1, vydání 1., VUP Olomouc 2015, počet stran 280, ISBN: 978-80-244-4532-8
  74. Adam Miranowicz, Sahin K. Özdemir, Jiří Bajer, Go Yusa, Nobuyuki Imoto,Yoshiro Hirayama and Franco Nori, Quantum state tomography of large nuclear spins in a semiconductor quantum well: Optimal robustness against errors as quantied by condition numbers, Phys. Rev. B 92 (2015) 075312 [19 pages] PDF
  75. Jiří Bajer: Historie zkoumání duhy, Čs. čas. fyz. 65 (2015) 283-286. PDF
  76. A. Miranowicz, J. Bajer, N. Lambert, Y.X. Liu, F. Nori: Tunable multiphonon blockade in coupled nanomechanical resonators, Phys. Rev. A 93 (2016) 013808 [14 pages] PDF




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